The villages around it daily pay taxes, and the more developed the property is, the more taxes you can get. Someone wants to build a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband is just to accelerate your own development. It is worth noting that later the capital can be moved to a new captured possession, which is especially important if, after capturing the castle, you captured the city and wanted to make it the capital, or simply your borders have shifted quite a lot and you would like to spend less time after the battle to return to myself. At the same time, as mentioned above, you do not even need to try to erect the castle, as you can simply seize other people's possessions and use them as a capital. Someone is looking for how to build a castle in Mount and Blade: Warband, in order to begin to develop their own state and get acquainted with this content, because without own ownership it is simply impossible to begin the development of your kingdom. In this case, it all depends on your goals in the game. Therefore, if you are thinking, playing Mount and Blade: Warband, how to build a castle, you will not find the answer to this question, as the only option to get any possessions and start developing your own state is a siege.

Of course, it would seem, how could not such a simple element be introduced, because every player will necessarily ask when entering Mount and Blade: Warband: "How to build a castle?" But do not forget that this game is low-budget, in connection with which there is still a huge number of different omissions and there are no elements that could be. It is worth mentioning at once that, in principle,erecting your own castle in the game is impossible. Here you can be anyone, from an ordinary highwayman to the owner of your own kingdom, however, since many are interested in the latter, they ask the only question while playing Mount and Blade: Warband: "How to build a castle?" Can I build my own castle? Mount and Blade is a universal game, in whichwhich gives the player absolute freedom of action, and the absence of a plot makes it necessary to create it independently.

To date, Mount and Blade, without a doubt, can be called one of the most unique cult games in history, despite the fact that in itself it has a dozen times less budget, compared with the majority of other games that have received even less success. How to build a castle, how to manage an army, how to create a kingdom? These and many other questions are constantly worried about the fans of the series. It is unlikely that the developers of the game could expect that,how popular and common will be Mount and Blade: Warband.